CMS/CCIIO User Support and System Development for Exchange Collaboration Tools (USSDECT) zONE
CMS/OIT Enterprise SharePoint Support (ESS)
CMS/OIT Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
CMS/CCSQ Health Care Quality Information Systems (HCQIS) Service Center
CMS/FMSG Independent Verification & Validation
Maryland Department of Health (MDH) - Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Software Development & Business Process Support
Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission (HSCRC) - Multi-Payer Claims Analytic Tool (MCAT) Development and Implementation
We are proud to be associated with technology transformation initiatives supporting healthcare reform for federal, state and local government organizations. For over a decade, the ServBeyond team has partnered with leading service providers and government leaders in implementing successful programs to collect, integrate and analyze data to improve public healthcare outcomes.
Highlighted Past Performance:
The ServBeyond team provides design, development, enterprise administration and management of Microsoft SharePoint/Project Server and its features to all Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) components to meet their business needs. The additional services we provide include help desk support, governance, and operations and maintenance (O&M) of all development projects.
SharePoint is the standard enterprise collaboration tool and information repository for CMS. ServBeyond team members support CMS’ objective to use the SharePoint platform to operate as a seamless organization through the adoption of best practices that maximize Agency-wide effectiveness and promote efficiencies.
The ServBeyond team led the Project Management and Agile Software Development design and development of a system to meet the business needs of the Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission (HSCRC) for a multi-payer claims analytical tool (MCAT tool. The MCAT will automate the aggregation, visualization, and report generation of Medicare FFS claims data (from CCW) enabling staff and others to perform Total Cost of Care (TCOC) analysis.
Under the recently revised TCOC model, the HSCRC is moving towards a system in which hospitals and other providers are responsible for a beneficiary’s total cost of care. As part of this new Model, the State is monitoring an expanded set of measures and focusing on new and additional analysis to shed light on how total cost of care can be contained. The Maryland TCOC Model sets the state of Maryland on course to save Medicare over $1 billion by the end of 2023, and the Model creates new opportunities for a range of non-hospital health care providers to participate in this test to limit Medicare spending across an entire state. The Maryland TCOC Model builds on the success of the Maryland All-Payer Model by creating greater incentives for health care providers to coordinate with each other and provide patient-centered care, and by committing the State to a sustainable growth rate in per capita total cost of care spending for Medicare beneficiaries.